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2Y-Chem, Ltd.
- Add: No.10, Lane 1000, Zhangheng Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
- Tel: 86-21-51320090
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2Y-Biopharma, Ltd.
- Add: Jiangfeng Road, High-Technology Industrial Development Zone, Qidong, Nantong, Jiangsu, China
- Tel: 86-0513-83266672-8001
- Fax: 86-0513-83266672-8005
- Oct.7-9, 2014 CPhI Paris, #6A69
- Mar.10-14, 2014 DCAT
- Course on Crystallization & Polymorphism by Dr. Trevor Laird from Scientific Update
- Oct.22-24, 2013 CPhI Frankfurt, #51E59CA
- Awarded as Little Giant (Nurture) Enterprise
- Successfully passed the annual audit for High Tech Enterprise
- Awarded as Key Outsourcing Service Companies in Shanghai
- Successfully passed the project review of the Innovation Fund
- Successfully passed the reviw of Phosphor Science Foundation
- Awarded as Advanced Technology Enterprise in Shanghai