About Us
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2Y-Chem, Ltd.
- Add: No.10, Lane 1000, Zhangheng Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
- Tel: 86-21-51320090
- Email: info@2ychem.com
- Web: www.2ychem.com
2Y-Biopharma, Ltd.
- Add: Jiangfeng Road, High-Technology Industrial Development Zone, Qidong, Nantong, Jiangsu, China
- Tel: 86-0513-83266672-8001
- Fax: 86-0513-83266672-8005
Founded in 2003, 2Y-Chem, Ltd. is a CDMO that provides services of pharmaceutical development and cGMP manufacturing to leading innovative biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, for regulatory applications in the United States, Europe and China. With more than 20 years of dedicated CMC experience, 2Y-Chem has served more than 200 NME projects worldwide, ranging from preclinical, clinical to commercial stages. 2Y-Chem is a member of Chemexpress Group, a company listed in the SSE.
The wholly owned cGMP drug product manufacturing plant 2Y-Biopharma, Ltd. was established in 2017. In recent years, 2Y-Chem and 2Y-Biopharma have supported 5 MAH clients in achieving the marketing approval of innovative or generic drugs and have been entrusted for commercial production.
We are committed to excellence in drug development and contract manufacturing services, accelerating drug innovation from laboratory to pharmacy, benefiting patients around the world!